Responsibility hero

Our heart beats for everyone in this world

… that’s our promise. We love to produce fabulous cosmetics that make your heart beat a little faster. It inspires enthusiasm and is fun. It lets you unleash your creativity and personality.

We want to get a little better every day and are continuously working on having a positive influence on the lives of others – in our company, in our neighbourhood and with our partners along our value chain. To us, this also includes treating the environment with respect. For a healthy planet. Because we are convinced that only a sustainably operating company can be successful in the long-term.

The pillars of our corporate responsibility strategy

At cosnova, we want to make a positive contribution to protecting our planet and all people and have set ourselves ambitious goals to achieve this. A holistic corporate responsibility and company strategy is at the heart of this - consisting of 5 strategic pillars:

What we have achieved

We have been pursuing a comprehensive sustainability strategy for several years now and know that we need staying power to reach our ambitious goals – but we have also already managed to achieve many improvements, as can be seen in our chronicle.

With our Sustainability Report 2021, we show where we stand. Spanning our corporate responsibility pillars, we pick up highlights, share progress, and provide insights into the cosnova world, and how we are striving to make it more environmentally friendly every day. The report is available for download in German and English.

Who we are: The CR team at cosnova

Sustainability is not a project, but an ongoing transformation of the entire company. To this end, we have a dedicated team of experts who are paving the way for the future in close collaboration with the specialist departments and the executive management.

cosnova Corporate Carbon Footprint

We're passionate about beauty and sustainability, ensuring that our impact on caring for the planet is as stunning as our products. Our corporate carbon footprint is a vital measure of our environmental performance, tracking all greenhouse gas emissions from our operations, supply chain, and product lifecycle. Supporting our SBTi commitments is our dedication to environmental stewardship and a significant part of our beauty journey.

We always

  • Monitor Progress: we keep a close eye on our journey towards emission reduction targets.
  • Spot Opportunities: we identify areas where we can shine brighter by improving efficiency.
  • Stay Accountable: we maintain transparency and stay true to our sustainability promises.

Our commitment to sustainability has led to significant reductions in Scope 1 and 2 emissions thanks to our switch to green energy. Our Scope 3 emissions did rise in 2022 due to an increased reliance on air freight, driven by COVID-19 restrictions and port closures. Our promise: We will never stop contributing to global efforts to combat climate change and creating a more beautiful, sustainable future for all.

Scope Overview
Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3
Scope Results

*Scope 1: Direct emissions from sources we own or control, like company vehicles and on-site energy.

Scope 2: Indirect emissions from the electricity, steam, heating, and cooling we purchase.

Scope 3: All other indirect emissions from our value chain, including those from suppliers and product use.


In our efforts to become a little more sustainable every day, we also collaborate with strong partners who are just as committed to the cause as we are. This way, we can achieve our ambitious goals together. As a partner of WWF Germany, for example, we are working hard on protecting the oceans by promoting the recycling infrastructures in Southeast Asia.

Silvia Steinert

Responsible for Corporate Responsibility at cosnova

"In a world that’s in transition, it motivates me to proactively help shape this change for cosnova and its brands, so that we can make a contribution."

Daniela Soukup

Responsible for zero waste

"Trash - a valuable resource in the wrong place. I want to change this sustainably and thus make a valuable contribution to environmental protection at cosnova."

Katrin Steinbach

Responsible for the harmlessness of ingredients

"With my passion for cosmetic science and sustainability, I am creating a better future in our beautiful, colorful world of cosnova cosmetics. "

Sandra Oettl

Responsible for product optimisation with regard to sustainability

"As a Marketing Specialist, I put a lot of passion and enthusiasm into designing sustainable products. It motivates me to make a contribution to people and the environment in this way. Making the supposedly impossible possible inspires me every day."

Maximilian Peters

Responsible for the working conditions at our business partners

"Safe working conditions, fair and respectful interaction with each other along every supply chain. All over the world and as a compulsory measure. cosnova is setting an example for more justice and that really motivates me. It's what I stand for."

Astrid Haury

Senior Manager Corporate Responsibility

"To act sustainably is no longer a nice-to-have, but an attitude that everyone must personally embrace and that every company must embed in its DNA. Collaborating on the right initiatives for cosnova is what drives me."